Credit Reporting Firm
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May 9, 2022 — Trans Union must produce witness to testify about damage to consumer’s credit score.
The United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan has ordered Trans Union to produce a witness to testify about the damage to a consumer’s credit score. Tinny Suri sued Trans Union for reporting that his account with Wells Fargo was charged off, even though though he had paid the account regularly and ultimately paid off the entire account according to their agreement with Wells Fargo. During the litigation, Trans Union produced a witness who refused to testify about the damage done to Mr. Suri’s credit score as a result of this reporting.
On May 9, 2022, the Court order Trans Union to produce a witness who could describe the damage done to Mr. Suri’s credit score. The opinion was authored by United States Magistrate Curtis Ivy in case 21-10866. The opinion can be found on Court’s web site.