If you have found another person’s credit information or identification information on your your credit report, you may be the victim of a “Mixed Credit File.” While most people have never heard of a mixed credit file, the credit reporting agencies know a lot about them.
A mixed credit file happens when a credit bureau confuses two consumers, usually when they share personal identifiers like a first and last name, date of birth or address. This means that the other person’s good credit and bad credit are merged into your report, possibly including accounts, payment history, collections, public records and personal identifiers. The appearance of inaccurate information on your credit files can ruin your Vantage Score and play havoc with your personal finances.
Most often, this happens when two people share a similar name or have similar social security numbers and are family members. This problem can cause the other person’s credit card, student loans, mortgage, or identification information to appear on your report. These credit report errors can cause credit denial, job loss and higher interest rates.
If you believe that someone else’s credit on your credit history, call our attorneys for a free consultation, (888) 400-CREDit | (888) 400-2733.
Impact of Someone Else’s Credit on My Credit Score
If someone else’s credit is on your report, you will notice an immediate change in your credit report and FICO credit score. You may also see a change in credit decisions on your loan application or job opportunities.
First, inaccuracies will show up in the identification portion of your report. That segment of the report will likely show the other person’s social security number, current and former addresses, phone number’s and employers. Second, the other person’s credit file may be merged into yours. This means that your credit report will show an increase in the overall amount credit that you have taken out and an increase in the number of credit accounts that you hold. Finally, the inquiry log will reflect that your report has been delivered to credit card companies, lenders and collectors that you do not recognize.
If your credit score has been harmed by a someone else’s credit information on your report, call for a free consultation, (888) 400-CREDit | (888) 400-2733.
Disputes May Not Help
While most consumers can fix incorrect information on their report by themselves with a credit report dispute, mixed files are tricky. Unlike most disputed information, data from a mixed file won’t usually show on a consumer’s copy of their report, but it will show up on a creditor’s copy. Because consumers can’t see the data that is causing the problem, they cannot dispute it online, by phone or with certified mail. More importantly, mixed credit doesn’t happen because of a human error in entering incorrect data on your report. Rather, it happens when the credit bureaus’ computers are working as designed, but just can’t figure out who you are. As a result, fixing the problem may mean changing the way the computers run, and the bureaus may not want to invest the necessary resources, just to fix your report.
If you believe that someone else’s credit on your credit history, call our attorneys for a free consultation, (888) 400-CREDit | (888) 400-2733.
My Report Looks Like My Identity Was Stolen
My people with mixed files think that they are a victim of identity theft. This happens because they may see credit card accounts, car loans, mortgages, or credit card debts that they did not open. Unfamiliar accounts are one of the warning signs of an identity theft. But they are also a sign of a mixed file, so fraud alerts and federal trade commission affidavits may not help.
One of the ways that a consumer can tell if their problem is from an ID theft or a mixed credit file is to reach out to the unfamiliar creditors and card issuers that appear on their report. If those lenders do not have a record of you as a client, changes are good that you may be a victim of a mixed or mismerged credit file.
If your credit file looks like you have had your identity stolen, call our attorneys for a free consultation, (888) 400-CREDit | (888) 400-2733.
Your Rights Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)
Mixed credit and the appearance of another person’s credit history on your credit report violate your rights under the FCRA. You can recover compensation for any harm to your credit as well as compensation for your frustration and emotional distress. If you If you would like more information about your rights under the FCRA, call our attorneys for a free consultation, (888) 400-CREDit | (888) 400-2733.
Follow Up and Credit Monitoring
After your case is done, our law firm will help you to regularly check and monitor your credit history, with an annual review of your free copy of your credit reports to insure that you stay free of account information that does not belong to you. We will help make sure that your credit file remains separate from anyone else’s.
Your Attorney’s Fees Paid by the Credit Bureaus
Federal law gives consumers with mixed credit files with the right to attorney’s fees for restoring their credit and fighting the bureaus. If you have been mistakenly reported as deceased by the credit bureaus in Michigan your fees are paid by the other side, and we charge nothing unless we can get a recover for you. Your initial consultation is free. Call now for help to keep mistaken death records off your credit reports, (877) 400-CREDIT | (877) 400-2773 or contact us now through this site.(248) 208-8864.
Who Are the Credit Bureaus That Have Information About Me?
There are four major credit bureaus that get information from lenders, debt collectors, and public record collectors. They are each required to provide consumers with a fee copy of their credit file every year. Here is their contact information:
- Equifax
1550 Peachtree Street Northeast
Atlanta, GA 30309
- Experian
701 Experian Parkway
Allen, Texas 75013
- Innovis Consumer Assistance
P.O. Box 530088
Atlanta, GA 30353-008
https://www.Innovis.com - Trans Union
555 West Adams Street
Chicago, IL 60661
You can request your free credit report at www.AnnualCreditReport.com. For a more complete list of the companies that operate as consumer reporting agencies, you can see the list prepared by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) at their web site: https://www.consumerfinance.gov.
Where Do You Practice?
Our law firm is located in Metropolitan Detroit, Michigan. We practice throughout the entire state, and we have been admitted to practice and made appearances in several other states where we are not licensed: California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, and Virginia.
DISCLAIMER: If we are unable to practice in the state where your case needs to be filed, we can make a referral to another qualified credit report attorney near you.
If you are looking for an attorney to help in one of our service areas, call us toll free at (877) 400-CREDit | (877) 400-2773 or contact us now through this site.